Many thanks for your interest in the Leadership Library run by The Leadership Academy on behalf of The Wheel.
The Library is a one-stop-shop for Leaders at various stages in their nonprofit careers to access relevant upskilling opportunities such as courses, workshops, blogs, books, podcast and events.
To be eligible for listing you must fulfil the following criteria:
- Provide a relevant product to leaders in the sector
- Be relevant to people in the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector
- Be available in Ireland
- We reserve the right to add more criteria as the Library develops
Please note, we reserve the right to not include listings in the Library.
Heres a short video on how to fill out the form
How it works
You complete the relevant details
It will be checked for relevance
Once it has been deemed relevant and your fee has been paid, if applicable, the listing will be made
Listings will be posted exactly as submitted, we will not edit for spelling or grammar etc. You are responsible for the details provided.
All listings have an auto delete function. Please provide accurate dates for close of applications etc. If you wish to be relisted, please make a note to re-list at the appropriate time.
Please see below for guidance on how to complete the form
This is what your finished listing will look like:

If you would like to learn more details about the form, please see below.
Please note the following are images you CANNOT enter details in the images. scroll to the bottom of the page to access the Microsoft Form to submit
The first three questions are basic information questions and question 4 asks who has developed the resource, so this may be an overarching podcast series, a training organisation, a nonprofit organisation.

Question 5 asks for the name of the resource. Please note for search purposes you should only list one resource at a time. You are welcome to indicate multiple resources. Question 6 is where you indicate what type of resource it is.

Question 7 is the text that will display when people click into the resource.
Question 8 asks you to identify which of our Leadership Schools the resource is suitable for, please feel free to choose more than 1.
Question 9 is incredibly important as this is linked to the competency assessment. Please take a moment to indicate which competencies that your resources is most aligned with.

Question 10 and 11 are tick box and question 12 we would ask you to indicate the ‘closing date’ of your resource. So if your course in in September but applications close in July, list the July date as expiry.

Question 13 asks you to indicate the level of award
And the rest of the questions are simple check box questions.
Please note you need to send us an image for your posting, named appropriately. We will not accept any listing without this.