Leadership Assessment

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School 1

Leader of Self

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School 2

Leader of Teams

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School 3

Leader of Organisation

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School 4

Leader in the Sector


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School 1

Leader of Self

Understand your own qualities and personal leadership skills.

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School 2

Leader of Teams

Understand teams and help team members to flourish.

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School 3

Leader of Organisation

Understand organisations and create an inspiring culture.

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School 4

Leader in the Sector

Understand and influence the Irish nonprofit sector.

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  • Sharon O’Halloran

Sharon O’Halloran

Sharon O’Halloran


By LE Team

Unlock your true potential with Biodynamic Role Consultation. This integrated approach combines biodynamic psychotherapy, mediation, organizational development, and trauma-informed practices. Find relief from stress and trauma, restore life energy flow, and embrace change with renewed clarity. Gain insights, explore work dynamics, and unlock your wisdom for managing and creating change.


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