Personal Effectiveness
Personal Wellbeing and Resilience
The second in-person Leadership Academy Breakfast Club took place today, March 2nd, at the beautiful new LinkedIn Offices at Wilton Place, Dublin 2. We had a completely full house, so a huge thanks to all who participated!
Our guest speakers were Yemi Adenugo, Director of Programs at MIB Institute of People Development and Linda Kelly, the National Secretary for FORSA Trade Union. An interesting conversation on the subject moral courage was facilitated by Sharon Hughes, Leadership Academy Manager.
With International Women’s Day on 8 March, the event also celebrated the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. Our speakers each gave us fascinating insight into their leadership journeys. The panel discussion was full of great advice for leaders. A lot was explored, some key insights were:
Following the panel discussion, we had roundtable discussions with other attendees about how we might foster and develop moral courage in our own leadership community. Each of the groups expressed some excellent ideas including:
You can read summary notes from the discussion here. See some photos of the event below.
Join us for the April Breakfast Club
The Leadership Academy Breakfast Club will run monthly, alternating between online and in-person. Our next event will be online on 6 April and is about Succession Planning. Our speakers are Sharon O’Halloran and Dermot Mc Laughlin. Please see more details and book your spot here.
Please also connect with our LinkedIn Leadership Academy page where we are building a community of leaders!
The Breakfast Club events are open to everyone in the sector, whether you are in a leadership position or not. Also, feel free to inform anyone else in your organisation that might enjoy or benefit from the event.
Photos from March 2