Viewing 45 Results
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Leadership Academy Bursary for NCI’s Leaders for Change Programme 2024
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How to Choose the Right Support for You
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Leadership and Ethics Breakfast Club February 2024
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Think Big: Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want
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More than a Lumpy Jumper Podcast
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Libraries Ireland: Find ANYTHING
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6 Ways to Take Control of Your Career Development If Your Company Doesn’t Care About It
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Skills Summary – Competency Assessment for Young People
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You don’t have to be a CEO to be a leader – Alex Budak – TEDxKI
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VIA Character Strength Report – Online Free Version
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Cross Professional Wisdom Supervision
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Inner Resilience Leadership Programme
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The Impact & Effectiveness of Leadership in Non-Profit Organisations by Andrew Madden
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Diploma in Women in Leadership
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LIFT Ireland Free Leadership Training & Networking
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Purposeful Leadership Development Programme – Mantra Strategy
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Blossom – Burnout Prevention And Recovery for Women In Leadership
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Problem Framing Canvas: Making Sense of Problems for Better Responses – Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation
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Employing Staff and Managing Human Resources (eLearning)
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The Energy Equation Resource List
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Plain English Training
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The Four Constituents of Wellbeing – Professor Richard Davidson
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How to Innovate for Collaboration and Success: TED Talk Playlist
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Habit formation with James Clear
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How to Set Healthy Boundaries: 10 Examples + PDF Worksheets
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The Anxious Achiever – Morra Aarons-Mele Podcast Series
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A Formula for Building Trusting Relationships – Gill Rider
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Social Return On Investment Practitioner Training
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Fundraising Everywhere – Online Community
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Mastering Conflict for Effective Leadership
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Good Boundaries Free You Sarri Gilman TEDx
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Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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Essential Skills Certificate (Workplace, Community and Education) – QQI Level 6
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People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts by Robert Bolton
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Body Language – Amy Cuddy TED
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Eat that frog! 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time
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Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman
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Increase Your Self-Awareness – Dr. Tasha Eurich TEDx
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Group Facilitation Resources
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Why good leaders make you feel safe – Simon Sinek TEDx
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We Cannot Lead Others Without First Leading From Within – Lolly Daskal TEDx
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Supporting Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace
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The Power of Vulnerability – Brené Brown TED
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The Good Stuff – S3 E1 (The Language of Nonprofits)
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Headagogy with Steve Pearlman
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